Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sickness :(

Well Monday I started not feeling very good. My stomach was hurting and I had a bad headache. I spent the whole day watching the show "The Office" between naps. Tuesday I thought I was better so I went to work. Apparently I wasn't over my sickness and I started to feel even worse by Tuesday evening. I stayed home from work on Wednesday. The school nurse and John came over to my apartment in the afternoon to bring me some food and to take my temperature. I had a fever, so I had to stay in bed all day. Today (Thursday) I still had a low-grade fever and am super tired, so I stayed home again. I'm really hoping I'll be better and be able to go to work tomorrow. I'm getting bored staying in this apartment and I miss working with the kids!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gee, sorry to hear of your illness -- I know it can absolutely be no fun. to overcome, I use the words, This too will pass.
We are starting into a four day warm spell with 80 degrees beginning Friday. Hope you have a good weekend also.