Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

So today is Valentines Day, a day earlier than in the states. I was a little sad all day because I wished Josh was here, but none the less the day went on. Valentines is celebrated here, but just a little bit differently. In Japan only the girls give chocolates to the boys. It was the cute. A lot of them made little goodies at home and brought them to the school. Mr.Sypal received quite a few, but doesn't really like chocolate so he let Carly and I try some. The kind we had was really good!...To celebrate on my own tonight I bought some coffee flavored cookies with chocolate in the middle. They were definitely interesting.

Today at school we got our first Japanese lesson. I'm really bad at it, but I learned how to say a simple greeting and got this cute little book designed for kids to learn Hiragana.
Isn't it cute :)

After school Mr.Osa took Carly and I on the train to go to the Matsudo City to the town hall. We had to have our picture taken and sign some paperwork to get a new little card like to say we are citizens of the town and OK to be there. On the way back we got to ride home in a TAXI!!!

It was pretty sweet. I had never been in one before. They are expensive though!! Anyways, after that Carly and I decided to try to find the 99 Yen Store. Mr.Sypal had showed us where it was the other night, but that was in the dark, so yeah...Surprisingly enough we found it just fine and got home without getting lost at all! For those of you that know me, you will understand that this is a major accomplishment.


janders said...

you should give me some chocolates. not.

Unknown said...

Next month it will be the guys turn to give chocolate to the girls. It is called White Day, and it is on March 14th.

"On White Day, men who received chocolate on Valentine's Day return the favor and give gifts to women. When White Day rolls around, it is the boy's turn to return the gift in what is called "triple return", since the gift the boy gives is supposed to be three times the value of the gift he received."

Anonymous said...

Jenna, can you get a photo of Mr. Sypal? Also , are you allowed to take photos of the kids at school? More pics of you and Carly would be great too! Hope your Valentine's Day was as sweet as you ya,mom